Welcome to "A Designer At Home"

welcome to a designer at home glimpse

"And Although This Blog Be Little, It Is Passionate."

Hello New Friend!

Well, how do we do this?

My name is Corinna and I welcome you to my little slice of the Internet- A Designer At Home.

circleheadshotI'm starting this blog because I've dreamed of being an interior designer since I was a little girl.

I was a very creative little kid. I loved rearranging rooms in the home I grew up in (I think my mom is thankful I'm out of the house so she can do that now), I loved doodling dream home blueprints on page after page of geometry class graph paper. I was always looking for my dream home layout where everything flowed and made sense. I once created a home where there was a driveway that went through the house. The portion on the top and top right of the house was all master bedroom heaven and the portion downstairs from the top right was an at home office. I've always loved the idea of refining and perfecting spaces to be beautiful and to function well for living in.

I also loved the idea of teaching when I was a kid. I would use notebooks from my other classes to take attendance and track grades for my imaginary classroom. I enjoyed making up pretend lesson plans. It has always been in me that I want to teach others. It's a spark that was ignited when I was very young and it is still strong today. I may not be interested in teaching traditional subjects, but I want to teach others whatever it is I know and am passionate about. Because, I believe people learn from people who are passionate.

I was also a very driven little kid. I wanted to succeed in life. I found out early on that teachers did not make good wages. But I'd heard that scientist did! So I set out to be a geneticist at around 10 years old. I took advanced classes in Math and Science, took Summer classes for education advancement in Middle School, and was accepted into the Leadership center for Sciences and Engineering in high school. I completed 3 years before the realization that college is expensive hit. I didn't want to spent the first 10-20 years of my career paying back student loans. So I dropped out of the Leadership program to pursue "regular income." I chose to be a Pharmacy Technician and have not enjoyed it a day since.

I'm in a Marriage where my husband and I have had to work together to figure out what it is we each want in our careers. My husband is certain he's found something right now that he enjoys and wants to do for a while. I'm certain I want to pursue my life-long dream of becoming an Interior Designer, through school. We hope to make things work within the next 2 years where I can start taking classes and it's the 5 year plan for me to be finished and to be in my "dream job."

I guess all this time, I never realized I just wanted to be Emily Henderson ;-)

So, how does this all fit in right here, right now at A Designer At Home?

There's no better time to start than the present, they say. I saw it on the internet once so it must be true.

I want to share with others what I know now. I want to share how I make my house beautiful with not a lot of time or money. I want to share my ideas for cleaning and maintaining a home; for managing finances and getting organized.

I want to be an interior designer who designs real life spaces while also helping as many people as possible through an online platform (this blog!).

I have a lot of good ideas and there are people who will benefit from my good ideas. So this is my platform to do that.

I hope this all sounds like a good idea with you. And if it does, please give this blog a follow (sign up to receive posts by email). I can't wait to share with you what I learn along this process and even more so when the "real" stuff starts.

Here's a little about me: I like going for walks and nature, power tools make me anxious, I think I hate painting but as often as I change wall colors I'm pretty sure my subconscious loves it, I'm a vegetarian, I listen to every genre of music and have an obsession with bohemian decor. Get to know me even better by reading my about page.

Here's a little about my style: I'm refined and wild all in one. I like pairing elements of bohemian decor with mid century but I really love all styles. I like white walls and warm wood floors but I also like grey walls and dark wood floors. I really love retro details and I try to highlight and keep details that are from the period of a home. Pairings of rustic wood are right beside sequins. My style is a lot like my personality, and that's all over the place!

Here's where I need your help. Tell me what you'd like to see here on A Designer At Home. Everything from nitty gritty home owner perils to Do It Yourself projects. This blog is just as much mine as I hope it will be yours, too.


  1. Good for you! I love seeing women achieve goals, and I know you will be quite the blog success story!
    I am also a thrift shopper, so for me that's my favorite type of blog post. I like to see what others find valuable or special. We all have our own "treasures".
    I think my biggest design challenge is making my home feel cohesive. I want things to flow, but not be too matchy.

  2. I've been following you on Instagram for ages and I love all your thrift finds. Good luck on this new adventure! I'm so excited for you!

  3. Yay! This sounds fantastic! I'm always curious about how others budget for DIY projects or buy home decor items. I know that can be a sensitive subject... but it's something that always interests me. Can't wait to watch this baby grow!

  4. I'm super excited about everything your going to share. I have always enjoyed your post that were easy projects that anyone could do.

  5. I think that's a topic I could totally spill my own beans for! Numbers don't scare me ;) Thank you so much for your support Ashley! It makes me very happy!

  6. Thank you so much for following along! It makes me happy that you enjoy those thrifty finds and that you're here!

  7. Thank you Amanda! The vote of confidence is a confidence boost! <3 There will definitely be more thrift talk here on the new blog, so I'm happy you like that. And that really is a challenge! It's something I'll definitely have to dive into and maybe enlist the help of some pros to guide us!

  8. Congratulations on your new blog! I look forward to reading more.

    My biggest struggle with DIY is time. I'd love to read more about how to work full time and be able to complete projects without having them take too long. Any hints?

  9. I love the blog already! You have a great thing going on here. As an interior designer, I love following other people who learn the passion.

  10. I love that you're thrifty and look forward to your future posts! I'm a thrift store, clearance bin, craigslist shopper so my biggest design challenge is finding great pieces on a tiny budget that work well together.

  11. Yay! Thanks so much for being here Samantha! That is definitely hard but I'm going to try my best to share tips for working with that!

  12. I hope to be an interior designer one day soon! Please throw any advice my way, I hope to be enrolled in school Fall 2016! Thank you so much for commenting Khloe <3

  13. I'll have to share my personal experience with that. I do work full time out of the home! Thanks so much for being here Paula!

  14. Way to go, girl! Congrats on the new endeavor! I am horrible at accessorizing so I'd love some tips in that area.

  15. Congrats on the new blog; looking good over here!

  16. I have a feeling I've found a new blog to follow! Sounds great and can't wait to read more!

  17. Thank you for checking it out! I hope you stop back by soon!

  18. I've really enjoyed the thrift score Thursday posts!
    Good luck with your new venture. I'm sure you will do great!
    My decorating challenges have to do with money & time. Two more years and I can retire so then it will only be money haha Seriously, I'm currently downsizing so going through all the treasures and deciding what no longer works and finding new uses for old things. It's at a time of transition for me so I am on an exciting journey and looking for what comes next.

  19. Hi Corinna! Congratulations, can't wait to see what you have in store. I love decorating as well but my problem is that I currently rent my home, so I am somewhat restricted from any big changes. I also live in a very small house and have four children, so storage ideas are always an interest to me as well.
    Best of luck!

  20. I would love to see DIY projects and thrift shop finds!
    My biggest challenge decorating where we live is its a rental, and I dont like off white walls much, and its small, so space is limited.

  21. There are definitely ways to disguise and work with those challenges! I'll do my best to share ideas for you and I'll get advice from experts to help with that further!

  22. I have some storage idea posts coming soon! If you're signed up for email, you should be notified when I have that together!


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