Kitchen Passthrough Update

As usual, I was perusing the basket section of one of my favorite thrift stores when I happened across an interesting woven tray. I'd seen these before and loved how they looked. So even though I had no real plan on how I was going to use it, I snatched it up for the $1 that it was.

It's been sitting cast aside for a few weeks now as I try to decide where I'm going to display it. We don't have an awful lot of wall space in our home so I have to be thoughtful about how I display pieces like this.

Turns out when I was doing some cleaning up of the passthrough between the kitchen and back room (den/dining room/whatever), I was inspired to switch out the old tired plates I'd doodled onto with sharpies with the woven tray. (PS, sorry the photos are so dull and fuzzy. It's dark out now when I get home from work and my camera does not take pictures well in low light so I used my husband's iPhone.)



I painted the space a right off the shelf bright white. With a little picture hanging wire and a small command hook, I have a brighter, simpler, more "me" feel in this space. You may just barely be able to make it out, but I painted the wall with a flat paint and use my mandala stencil and a high gloss bright white paint to add just a subtle detail on either side of the woven tray.

And our kitchen is still a wreck right now. Our pantry is all over our counters as we await our contractor to install our new Rheem hot water heater. I'll finally have hot water this winter- but that's another day and another post!


  1. how did i miss that buffet from angiesroost? i am in LOVE. big time. and sarah and i were laughing at ourselves at sweet clover the other day because we have a few woven flat baskets.... obsessed much?

  2. That buffet is gorgeous! And I love your little woven tray - perfect in that spot.

  3. Oh man! Fingers crossed you get some hot water soon! The basket looks so cute up there - I love the subtle stencil idea on either side!

  4. Thanks so much for showing my kilim rug! Love all of the other features as well, especially that brass table Yaaaaaas!

  5. Great article ...Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.



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