Where I Work & Play: Multifunctional Spaces

Welcome! It's Blogger Stylin' Home Tours: Work & Play Edition week! The oh so sweet and talented Lindsay of The White Buffalo Styling Co. invited me to share the space in which I work and my family and I play. If you're stopping in from The Décor Fix, welcome welcome! And if you've ended up here elsewhere, so glad to have you here, too! Multifunctional spaces are my jam because with a mere 1,200 square feet to work with- I need to maximize and get creative with the rooms we have.

Once upon a time I took the smallest bedroom of our house and turned it into a home office. And I never used it! It was closed off from the rest of the house and I couldn't leave my boy to play unsupervised. So the room filled with junk and I hardly see it anymore. We have better plans for the space. But that's after the kitchen gets a facelift and the dining room gets finished. Here's what that cute space used to look like.

where I blog, my creative corner

Right now, I work in my living room. I just recently shared the new look for this space and how it functions as our current eating space as well as hanging out. But I want to go into a bit more detail of how this space works for me to work in and for my son to play in.

Honestly, though, if I am to be completely honest. I do most of my computer work on my lunch breaks in my car at work. I work full time out of the home and have a mandatory 1 hour lunch break so I take that time to do most of my blog posts. But I didn't think a picture of my car would be cute?

eclectic interiors bohemian living room with collected treasures and thrifted furniture

gallery wall pops of pink large houseplants

A blogger and her boy A Designer At Home's work and play space in progress (a boho eclectic 1200 square foot brick ranch in progress)

The white chair that everyone loves is my work chair. It was a $50 Craigslist find. It already needs new upholstery but I'm letting it wear until the kiddo is older. I sit here with my feet propped up on the cute little foot rest and my laptop in my lap. It makes it easy to chat with my husband while he sits on my couch and I'm able to sit my laptop down and slide out of the seat immediately to jump into the latest game my son is playing.

Beside me is the small cabinet in which I keep my blogging binder, current paperwork I'm dealing with and my planner. Isn't this thing cute? It came in my "organize" Globein box and it couldn't be more perfect for me.

write with purpose A Designer At Home blogger's planner and focus

And the cubby on the wall with all. the. art. holds a small portion of the son's massive toy collection. He's a collector... of toys and rocks. He's also always wildly interested in what I'm doing which is why it works out so well for us for me to be in the middle of it all while I work.

[caption id="attachment_3075" align="aligncenter" width="700"]a blogger's boy A Designer At Home's Blogger Stylin Home Tour everything work and play I call him my bloggin manager- ha![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3078" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Grow Where You Are Planted plnted in a house with no space for a home office I will grow in this space without an office. Planted in a house without office space? Grow and Work within the space that exists![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3076" align="aligncenter" width="690"]A Designer At Home and her boy blogger stylin home tours work and play edition It's impossible to say no to a selfie with this kid. Even if it shows off the kitchen- yikes![/caption]

Blogger Stylin Home Tours Work and Play Edition - A Designer At Home

And as for that migration from the office o junk to the dining room? It's started! I picked up this intricate cabinet with hidden doors and really cool hardware. I've already started moving my office and some craft supplies into it.

Home office in a cabinet. Ornate wooden cabinet holds craft, DIY and office supplies

cabinet for hiding office and craft supplies

Thank you for visiting me for this Blogger Stylin Home Tours: Work & Play edition. Your next stop on this tour is Style Mutt Home! Those ladies are fabulous at what they do- you'll surely want to make sure you visit their tour.

And The Whole Week's Line Up:

Monday, April 18th:

Tuesday, April 19th:

Wednesday, April 20th:

Thursday, April 21st:


Friday, April 22nd:


  1. aaaw i was hoping for the car office. ;) love your living room so much and i love that it is able to suit so many purposes for your family. you guys are adorable, too! i don't think i have ever seen your son!

  2. Such a fun and hip multifunctional family space. Love it Corinna. Happy weekend.

  3. What a colorful, inspiring, happy place to work!

  4. Love this! Your living room is great. And I second wanting a tour of that car office space! Haha

  5. Girl, the details in this room are amazing! Absolutely stunning boho style :) Thanks for joining in!

  6. Ugh, you're klling me with jealousy here! Absolutely stunning, I love all the pops of red. What a gorgeous space.


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