Boho New Year Photo A Day Challenge

You asked and I'm thrilled to give it to you all! We are kicking off the new year with a brand spanking new #showmeyourboho photo a day challenge for the month of January. Being the first month of the year, I wanted to focus on new beginnings, progression, a subtle nod to the winter season (but those of you in summer can easily play along, too). I hope you enjoy these prompts and that they inspire you to play along. Don't forget to use the #showmeyourboho hashtag with your posts so those of us interacting can find you and your posts.

Needing some inspiration on what to post for each of the prompts? While you are totally encouraged to interpret each one as your mind sees it, here is a run down on some of my ideas for each day.
  1. Refresh- a space you feel refreshed in, a space you've refreshed, a space that needs refreshing, a refreshing trip, a refreshing drink

  2. Before- show us the before for your new year goals (a space, your planner, the scale, a piece of decor/furnitrue)

  3. Organize- how you get organized, an organized space, storage

  4. Relax- where you relax, a space with relaxing aesthetic, what you do to relax

  5. Hygge- cozy, scandinavian warmth, charm and special feelings

  6. Sofa- how you style it, the space it's in, the view from it

  7. On Display- collections, favorite things, vignettes, display furniture

  8. Books- your favorites, how you store them, how you decorate with them, favorite pages

  9. Planning- your planner, projects you're working on, future plans for a space

  10. Handmade- something you've made, something someone else has made, decor, food, goods

  11. Plants- evergreens, houseplants, the garden, bouquets

  12. Morning- morning sunlight, the bedroom, breakfast

  13. Layers- on your body, on your bed, on your sofa, on your walls

  14. Serve- food, serveware, a set table, drinks, dinner out

  15. Favorite- space, place, item, grouping, food, people

  16. Progress- decorating, cleaning, reaching goals

  17. Dine- where you eat, what you're eating

  18. Three- the number, a three photo slideshow, a collection of 3 things

  19. Illuminate- lighting, candles, sunlight

  20. Selfie- show off your face and introduce yourself

  21. Bloom- flowers, new leaves, beauty, smiling faces

  22. Happy Spot- inside or outside the home, show us where it makes you happiest

  23. #widn- don't be shy, show off what you're up to on this day and tag your buds to share, too.

  24. Pasttime- spare time activities, hobbies, what you carve out time to do

  25. Gather- collect some things, collect some people, or share the space you gather in

  26. Little Things- little decorative pieces, little humans, small things that are important to you

  27. Self Care- things you use to take care of yourself, a space you self care in

  28. Hues- show off the moody, brights, and lack of hues in your spaces

  29. Decorated- any space, any surface, and corner

  30. Results- your progression with goals, an after shot, a refreshed spot

  31. Reflection- mirrors, light bouncing, a look back on something special
Make sure you've joined out Bohemian Interiors Facebook group where we will be having daily threads to share your posts so everyone can pop in easily and cheer you on. Happy New Year and be well!

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