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This past week has been the first week of progress within the One Room Challenge time frame. So far I am glad to say I am on schedule! Last week I announced that for the first week, I wanted to dry test the furniture arrangement and prep the walls and trim work for paint. I have caulked and wood filled and tested furniture arrangement. I thought I was killing it when I also made a decision with my china cabinet and took the top half off and filled the holes in the bottom to use as a credenza.

There's a lot of damage to the frame of the credenza so I'm working on filling all the dings and missing wood and will paint it white. The drawer and cabinet fronts will remain their existing wood finish. It'll help keep the space bright. I'll install shelves above it for storing all of our barware and some decor.

And, I bought a sander! And if you're looking at buying a random orbit sander too, you can get this bundle of sanding sheets for a major bargain compared to what they cost in person at the home improvement stores! I bought it to try and sand out the imperfections in the trim, the credenza before painting it, and buffing out those awful paint drips. In my defense, I didn't do that. My husband did when he helped me paint some scuffs.
Tomorrow I hope to have all the sanding done so I can get as much painting done as possible before we leave for travel.
Unfortunately, the revelation and extra work isn't enough to keep me from going into panic mode. Apparently, I am the worst planner in the world. Next week is kiddo's spring break and we will be out of town off and on for the whole week. So that leaves me with a whole lot less time to be painting than I had originally anticipated. Pray for me, I'm already exhausted 😂
Oh, I did get the wallpaper removed. It was super easy. The paint beneath was semi gloss and my application was elementary so most of it just fell right off. The stubborn bits I scrubbed off with a wet cloth. Now I just need to figure out what paint color is going to go in the wallpaper's place.

For record keeping purposes, here's how The Lounge looks in the current moment:

By The Week
Week 2: Removing the remaining wallpaper, prepping walls for paint, caulking wainscotting.
Week 3: Painting the walls (I hate painting walls, I suspect this is where I falter)
Week 4: Install curtain rods and curtains, touch up paint, decorate.
Week 5: Final decorating, Photographing.
Week 6: Reveal the finished space.
There's not much different this time. If you missed my first One Room Challenge post, visit the Relaxed Boho Lounge design plans here. Make sure to check back next week to see how much closer to a relaxing boho lounge this space gets!
Good luck on getting the walls painted! I know you will pull it off and it will look gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI hate painting too but somehow I became the "resident painter" of all our projects. Good luck girl! I'm sure it will all come together beautifully. It already looks good!
ReplyDeleteNew power tools are the best! I just love a good sander, and thanks for the hook up with the sanding sheets bundle. I wish I could be there to help you paint- I just love to paint. I am super excited to see your cabinet makeover with shelves above.
ReplyDeleteI'm writing this comment covered in paint. I've been painting something or other for about 3 solid I hear ya. And my heart goes out to you. But hang in there and keep pushing through. You're going to have a beautiful new room very soon. It's looking so good... YAY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's looking great so far. You have done a ton of work! Good luck with the painting.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great on schedule! Can't wait to see the reveal in a few weeks. Going way too fast!
ReplyDeleteOh I hate removing wallpaper... it is one of my least favorite projects..LOL but so far your space is looking good! Great job!
ReplyDeleteThese renovations can be SO exhausting! But keep it up girl! It's gonna be so worth it in the end!
ReplyDeleteيُعَدّ عَزل الأسطح من الأمور المُهمّة والضرورية للمباني؛ وذلك بسبب ازدياد ظاهرة حرائق الأسقف الناجمة عن الإضاءة المُخترِقة للسقف،[١] أمّا كيفيّة عَزل المنازل، فهناك العديد من الخيارات والأنواع التي يتمّ تحديدها بناءً على مدى الحاجة لتثبيت العَزل والمناطق التي يُراد عَزلها في المنزل، وقد يستطيع أصحاب المنازل تثبيت بعض هذه الأنواع بأنفسهمن مثل: البطّانيات، والعوازل التي تُسكَب بسهولة (الرغوة السائلة)، كما أنّ هناك أنواعاً أٌخرى تحتاج إلى فَنّيين، ومهنيّين، ومُختَصّين بتركيب الموادّ العازلة، ويُعتبَر العَزل بشكل كامل أحد أكثر أنواع العَزل انتشاراً؛ إذ يتكوَّن من ألياف تتميَّز بمرونتها، ولفائف زجاجيّة، وألياف طبيعيّة، وبلاستيكيّة، حيث تُوجَد هذه الموادّ العازلة على صورة خراطيم.
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