9 Tips For Transitioning Your Home For Fall - Sponsored

Does anyone else feel it yet? For a few days now, I've felt the crisp air of Fall creeping into the mornings. Fall won't actually arrive here for another 2 months but we are going to keep getting these slow changes towards it. Another change that's creeping up faster than I thought it was going to is the upcoming school year. So I'm shifting my focus to prepare for everything coming our way. I've created a command center on an unused wall of our home and I'm going to share 9 tips for transitioning home to serve us in this next season.

This post is sponsored by Wayfair.

About Wayfair:
Wayfair is an online-based store that sells everything home. With categories ranging from furniture, decor, lighting, kitchen, outdoor renovation and more, it's a one-stop shopping destination for designing, decorating, and living at home. Check out Wayfair's expansive selection of clothing racksdecor, and storage cabinets for your upcoming seasonal and home storage projects.

The addition of two freestanding storage cabinets from Wayfair has given me space to create storage solutions that will serve us through Fall and can be adaptable for each season beyond it. Below I'm going to share specific ways I've used these cabinets with ideas for creative wardrobe and storage solutions to the changes that Fall brings.

Tips For Making The Transition Into Fall Easier:

1. Plan ahead so there's time to get used to any new systems before the season change.

This is a vague tip but that's because it will vary from person to person and family to family. Basically, the idea is to think of whatever storage/organization/function needs you'll have in the next few months and complete the projects before they arrive. That way you'll have time to get used to them and make any necessary changes. And we know how busy the remainder of the year is going to be, we simply won't have the time to take on those projects then but we will still need whatever it is they would have provided us. The remaining tips below expand on this.

2. Create a designated spot for important paperwork like schoolwork, bills, invoices, etc.

It seems like mail and paperwork start growing in size during Fall. Maybe it's just the addition of schoolwork and greetings cards but I feel like I also receive extra bills and shopping flyers in the mail. I always sort mail as soon as I grab it from the mailbox but I don't always have the time to deal with everything as soon as it comes in. I'm sure that happens to you, too. I chose to adjust the shelves to create a small space for stacking the mail. Nothing else goes on to the shelf so I know exactly where to grab the pile when I have time to sit down and write checks/log in to accounts/mail off responses. If you needed to further sort your mail, you could use small stacking trays, slim trays stacked beside one another, or another idea would be to use napkin holders to bundle things together. 

3. Keep a variety of greeting cards on hand for last-minute events.

I certainly wouldn't judge you if you realized minutes before heading out the door to a party that you'd forgotten to pick up a card. It happens to me more often than I need to admit in a space as permanent as the internet. Beyond that though, there are occasions, last-minute invites, life gets busy and we can't run to the store for holiday cards that need to be mailed asap. Maybe you have friendly neighbors or guests who drop off gifts and it would be helpful to have a thank you card on hand to let them know it's appreciated. Or you may occasionally sell items online and the addition of a card is a special touch. There are so many reasons that keeping greeting cards on hand make busier seasons less stressful. I like to keep mine out in the open atop my desk. But if you don't have a desk or have space atop a desk you could keep them in a small box, basket, magazine file in a cabinet or desk drawer. 

4. Place a big calendar in a central space.

Summer is notorious for being a time of "what day is it" but that's gotten me into a bit of trouble a few times during the rest of the year. From realizing an assignment is due sooner than I thought (hello procrastination) to forgetting to have something paid on time, I forget date-specific things a lot. What's working for me is keeping a large desktop calendar on my desk. I pass it constantly during the day and it's right in front of me when I'm working, paying bills, planning shopping lists, etc. Alternatively, you could place a calendar on an entry table or hang it on the wall in a place you spend a lot of time. 

5.  Have a dedicated space for cool weather outerwear. 

It may be hot today, but I don't want to wait until we are busy with school, work, and extracurricular activities to find a solution for the piles of jackets and boots that form by doors. Without fail, every time the weather gets cooler, the jackets get pulled out of the coat closet and they end up getting piled on to whatever surface is closest to the door. This year I've dedicated space within one of my storage cabinets from Wayfair to hang and store those items. I used a command hook for hanging our most used jackets, left clear space at the bottom for shoes, and have a basket for hats and mittens. Anything else that isn't regularly being used is stored in a hall closet. 

6. Rotate Seasonal items.

Pretty soon we will be trading beach bags for lights jackets. Instead of keeping all of these things stored together, keep things that aren't being used in the current season in temporary storage and just keep the pieces you're currently using in an easier to access place. This works for decor, too. Scented candles and seasonal art can be stored in bins alongside holiday decor and can be pulled out with each new season change. Just replace the items in the bin with the decor you're taking down for the season.

7. Make clear spaces for all of the important parts of the morning so there's no scrambling to find things. 

Having a specific place for putting things like wallets, keys, paperwork and other things you need to grab as you go out the door each day will streamline mornings. Additionally, making these dedicated places as easy to use as possible and as close to where they're needed as possible will make you more likely to use them. 

8. Prepare for indoor activities.

We have some downtime during the cooler months of the year even if it can feel chaotic with back to back holidays. Having an idea of what kinds of things you want to do when it's too cold or dark to go outside can keep us active and happy. For me, crafting is something I enjoy doing when I can't be outside splashing in water or hiking trails. That's why I'm using a second storage cabinet from Wayfair for organizing all of my craft supplies. Shelves and cabinets are brilliant solutions for storing materials for a variety of hobbies and activities. 

9. Create Schedules.

One way I've streamlined my life is by creating cleaning schedules and meal plans that I rotate through each week. They're generic enough to where I can adjust what I'm doing each day to flow with other happenings of life but specific enough to where I can quickly write up grocery lists and know where to start my day each morning. Wherever you need more structure in your life, adopting a schedule will help create flow. I keep my schedules tucked into the main drawer of my desk so I can peek at it as often as I need to. It can also be helpful to hang them inside of a cabinet door or alongside your man calendar. 

With some planning and carefully considered organizational solutions, we can curate a rhythm for life that is smoother and gives us time to enjoy the season of life we are in. Every season of the year and season of life presents their own unique challenges and we can use systems and furniture to make the transition through each easier. 

In what ways are you beginning to prepare for the transition to Fall? It'll be here before we know it! Are you excited? I'm not normally a fan of cold days but I'm really looking forward to these next couple of months. I hope you find the transition to be seamless and enjoyable!

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