A Craft Table and Work Space

I thought with the focus being on my home office lately that it would be a good time to share with you where the magic happens. At least, the majority of the magic. Obviously I wouldn't spray paint indoors, and other rooms would be difficult to decorate from this space. But the rest of the magic, that's been happening in this space!

In my DIY space, I've got two work surfaces. One is my desk (which I will talk about in my next post), and the other is one of those folding tables you normally see pulled out for birthday party food space. I freaking love this little folding table to no end, literally.

The main jumping off point for this whole space was the Southwestern Inspired Accent Wall. I chose bright pastel colors at my local Ace Hardware and just went for it.

I try to keep the work surface as clear as possible, while also working on multiple projects at once. I keep my fantastic little mid-century task light and a habitat for humanity found glass shaker (I still have the top but have it stored elsewhere while it functions as a pen holder).

Beneath the tape is a DIY painted floor pillow to rest my feet on, a plastic chest of drawers for easy to reach craft supplies, a large basket with larger project supplies, and a paper shredder.

The legs of the table were once a dark grey but I took the table out to the driveway one afternoon and spray painted them gold. It feels more like a piece of furniture and that it belongs now.

Don't let the crayons fool you, they're a very serious part of my DIY supplies. I enjoy letting bubby color and doodle while I work elsewhere in the room.

In the large basket I mostly house fabrics but I've also got a ukulele and wall clock awaiting a magical makeover and a few other larger pieces I'm wanting to use somewhere in my home.

I use the large basket to camouflage our shredder. No home office should be without a shredder!

 And that's the finished space! I hope you've enjoyed this mini tour of my DIY and crafting corner. If you've found any part of it helpful, please share!


  1. That looks awesome! This area looks like it would make you creative just by being in it! I really need to work on organizing and decorating my desk area, it's way too cluttered and boring.

  2. I love your space! like i said, you've inspired me to get my office in working order! Thank you so much for linking up at Merry Monday Linky (Sundays 6pm pst) ~ we're so happy to have you! Julia

  3. I can't wait to see how your office turns out! <3

  4. That wall is amazing! How did you do that??


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