How I Made It: Leather Sling Hanging Planter


Hey guys!

Are you ready for another DIY from my bedroom? One necessity for me was plants. Lots of plants. It really uplifts my mood and makes me feel at ease to be around plants. I didn't want to do anything as permanent as put in shelves (because lord knows I'll only need to move them a month later) but I also didn't want to crowd the existing surfaces with plants. So to keep the floor as clear as possible, I created this Leather (pleather) Hanging Planter Sling.

earthy diy leather planter sling

It's really easy to make and you can totally do this so let's dive into the tutorial!

(Bonus- You're going to love the way this Leather Hanging Planter looks!)


Embroidery Floss and Needle

Two square pieces of pleather (leather will damage if any water sits on it, so be sure to go faux)

Cotton Rope

Scissors/Straight Edge/Craft Knife

How To Make It:

Cut out two squares from your pleather fabric.

cut out two pieces of pleather fabric into equal squares
Sew A Knot Through Each Corner.

sew a knot through each corner of the two pieces of pleather, backs facing one another

(backsides facing one another)

Stitch All Four Sides Together.

stitch around all four edges
Cut A Slit Just Large Enough To Pass The Rope Through and Stitch Around The Edges.

cut a slit just barely large enough to pass the rope through
Pass Rope Through The Slit and Tie Off A Knot.

stitch the edges of slit and tie knot to end of rope
Cut Off A Shorter Length Of Rope and Tie The Two Overlapping Pieces Together.

Tying a shorter length of rope over the longer 2 lengths of rope for extra balance and stability
Place An Adorable Plant Friend Onto The Center Of The Sling and Display!




Check Out The "Elephant Bush" (Portulacaria afra) Plant Here.

This corner of my bedroom is totally giving me life right now. It always makes me smile! And yeah, I ended up changing out the plant. I LOVE the pothos. I have a hard time remembering to open the blinds in the morning and this resilient vine cuts me some slack.

Bohemian Master Bedroom in a Small Home- Room Reveal (lots on DIY and vintage finds!)

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  1. LOVE this and totally want to make some for my room!

  2. This is so creative! I have friends that would go crazy for this style, it would make the perfect gift for them!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  3. I loved this when I first saw it and I just scored some leather so if I have any extra I'm totally make this!

  4. Very cool! Sometimes I feel like I'm missing some blogger gene for turning things into planters. All I can ever think of are....planters. :). But if people keeping posting tutorials like this it's bound to sink in sooner or later

  5. Ha! Opposite problem for me. It's all I can think about!

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